Our Vision
God has called us to serve the people of Churchill and district:
* To help people know the fullness of God’s love and forgiveness in Christ and then to walk in all the blessings of the New Creation.
* To show God’s love by providing practical help to families and individuals in our community.
* Where practicable, to assist other organisations and churches that are actively helping people in our area.

Have a Blessed Christmas 2018

Jesus is the Reason for the Season. It may seem old and trite, but it is the truth. Christmas is not about Santa, reindeer and elves on shelves. It is not about snow and sleigh rides (particularly here in Australia.) It is not about lights and decorations, trees and gifts. All those things may be fun, but ultimately we celebrate this season for one reason: God stepped into human history in the form of a baby, born in a stable in Bethlehem, who grew up to be the Man who gave His life on the Cross of Calvary to pay the penalty of sin for all who would receive Him, and who rose in victory over death.

I pray that, if you haven’t done so already, this Christmas you will allow God to step into your life in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May this Christmas be filled with peace and joy for you and your loved ones.

NOTE: This Tuesday (11th December) will be our final prayer meeting/ Bible study for 2018. We will resume our Tuesday night meetings on 22nd January 2019.